In September of 2005, Mark and Debbie Pryor moved to Orange County to lead a small group of believers who were pursuing after the purpose and presence of God. Soon after planting their lives here, God planted a burden in their hearts to lead a church that welcomed the unchurched.

A church that was a hospital of healing and hope for both the hurting and the prodigal, and a House of Worship for believers who were passionate to experience Pentecost. This is where Pentecostals of Orange County was born.



We must love one another as Christ has loved us. The love of Jesus is one none of us deserve, which is why we’re passionate about making sure that we share it with others.


We believe that connecting is a big deal. It’s why we’re intentional about building connection points such as Connect Groups and First Steps, where you hear about our Pastor’s vision and learn more about our mission.


We eagerly develop disciples, fulfilling the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. We believe that everyone has the potential to grow and take their next step, whether that’s being baptized, joining a Connect Group, or simply sticking around after service to meet our team and learn more about how you can get involved.


We strive to find a place for everyone to get involved serving on our Dream Team. This is why our volunteer rate is above 90%, because we believe that we are better off when we have a team to serve on. There’s no lone rangers here, just a team of passionate individuals serving Jesus and reaching Orange County.


We aim to spread the Gospel message far and wide, whether it’s through reaching a new city in Orange County through a Connect Group or broadcasting our services across the globe through live-streaming.


MARK & debbie pryor

Lead Pastor

Lead Pastor Mark and Debbie Pryor have been serving the Pentecostals of Orange County since 2005.

Pastor Mark is a third-generation Pentecostal pastor and has been actively licensed with the United Pentecostal Church International for 35 years. He has preached across North America as an evangelist, led leadership seminars, and has a passion for team building, vision casting, and reaching souls across Orange County.


Our church is blessed with talented and anointed individuals who volunteer their time every week to ensure that we are able to fulfill our mission of reaching the residents of Orange County. From licensed ministers to photographers, media technicians, baristas, guest experience coordinators, and more– God has truly provided, and continues to provide, the laborers.


More Than a Social Club

We believe that going to church is more than simply a social club or a means of filling up seats on a Sunday. At the Pentecostals of OC, we emphasize a personal, life-giving experience with God.

The Biblical Message of Salvation

We teach the Biblical message of salvation, which is summed up in Acts 2:38 and supported throughout the scriptures.

Apostolic Revival for Today

We believe that Apostolic revival is for the church today! The same Spirit that believers experienced in the Book of Acts is being "poured out" upon the church today. Church at POC is not dead, dry, and boring, but rather, it is alive and exciting!

Worship According to Biblical Example

We worship the Lord according to Biblical example and practice. The Bible tells us that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people, and we enjoy liberty in worship as the presence of God moves in our midst.

The Authority of Scripture

We believe that the scriptures have been given by God for our instruction and example. Because of this conviction, we teach and preach the same Biblical message as the Apostles did in the Book of Acts, with special emphasis on accurate interpretation and application of scriptures.

The Birth of the New Testament Church

In Acts 2:1-4, we read about the birth of the New Testament Church. This event was marked by the outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon more than 3,000 people. Throughout the Book of Acts, there are continual references to people repenting of sin, being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.